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Référence: SPVN IBM/A Date de publication: 03/09/2024 Offre consultée 605 fois

Ingénieur, Biologie moléculaire/Analytique

Secteur : Biotechnologies Famille de fonction : Contrôle qualité
Prise de poste : 01/10/2024 BAC +5 , Ingénieurs , Docteurs Essonne
Nombre de poste : 1 CDI Rémunération non définie
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En savoir plus sur l'entreprise

Description du poste et des missions

SparingVision is a genomic medicines company, translating pioneering science into vision-saving treatments. At the heart of this is a pipeline of gene-independent treatments for rod-cone dystrophies. Lead products, SPVN06 and SPVN20, address mid and late stages of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) respectively. RP is the most common inherited retinal disease and affecting two million people worldwide. There is currently no treatment to treat all genetic forms of this rare retinal disease ultimately leading to blindness. These novel medicines could form the basis of a suite of new sight-saving treatments with potential applications across many other retinal diseases, regardless of genetic cause.  


The Company is supported by a strong, internationally renowned team who aim to harness the potential of genomic medicine to deliver new treatments to all ocular disease patients as quickly as possible. SparingVision has raised €135 million to date and its investors include 4BIO Capital, Advent France Biotechnology, Bpifrance, Foundation Fighting Blindness (US), Fondation Voir & Entendre, UPMC Enterprises, Jeito Capital and Ysios Capital. For more information, please visit  



To support the development of our gene therapy products, we are looking for passionate individuals to join our team: 

Senior Scientist (Full time / permanent contract -CDI) based in Gif-sur-Yvette 

(Ingénieur (laboratoire) (Temps Plein/CDI) basé à Gif-sur-Yvette) 


Your mission 

As a Scientist under the guidance of your managers, you will work on the research and development of adeno associated virus (AAV)-based gene therapy products for ocular diseases.  Your role encompasses planning, executing and reporting of in vitro studies, conducting hands-on analytical assays for the characterization of AAV gene therapy candidates, and developing and qualifying our analytical and bioanalytical methods. You will be working closely with a team of two lab scientists and two supervisors. 


Main activities: 

- Establish protocols and perform cell-based assays, including cell culture, plasmid transfections, and AAV transductions. 

- Conduct molecular biology methods such as nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) isolation and quantification by (RT)-dPCR, (RT)-qPCR; DNA analyses, including PCR, restriction digest, sequencing, and electrophoresis; plasmid cloning, and bacterial culture. 

- Carry out biochemical experiments for protein expression analyses, including ELISA, Western blot, immunofluorescence/immunohistochemistry, and fluorescence microscopy on cells and tissue samples. 

- Analyze, interpret and report results to team members and managers. 

- Write protocols, procedures, reports of studies/analyses. Maintain excellent records of all work performed. 

- Participate in the lab management, including requesting quotes, purchasing reagents and consumables, maintaining sample inventories and data records. 

- Utilize software tools such as Microsoft Office Suite, GraphPad Prism, Snapgene, or similar DNA analysis software. 

- Collaborate with two other scientists to achieve the defined objectives and assist on projects as needed. 

Please note that this job description is not exhaustive and may include additional responsibilities as required. 


Profil souhaité

PhD or Master’s degree with 2-3 years of experience in the biotechnology field.  

Compétences requises

Proficiency in analytical tools, molecular biology, immuno-detection methods and cell culture.  

Experience in writing protocols and reports. 

Proficiency in spoken French and written English; spoken English is highly recommended (expected level B1). 

Demonstrated team spirit, scientific rigor, autonomy, organizational skills and respect for timelines and priorities, and good communication skills. 

To apply, please contact Fabien Dorange and Hanen Khabou ( 

Lieu de la mission

La Bourse de l’Emploi est un site de recrutement dédié à l’industrie pharmaceutique, crée par le Leem, représentant les entreprises du secteur pharmaceutique en France. Le secteur emploie près de 100 000 personnes dans plus de 150 métiers.

Ce site a pour vocation la mise en contact de candidats avec des recruteurs des laboratoires pharmaceutiques et des industries de santé, à l'exclusion de tout autre secteur industriel ou commercial.

Pour toute demande d’information, contacter le Leem par mail à l'adresse suivante :